New feature / Change #7864
openQueue's should be linked to an organization
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
120:00 h
Organization management¶
- Add organization object, managed in Admin. Organization is identified as name only.
- User Doctor/Requester/Scheduler can be assigned to several Organizations.
- List of Queues is updated in User form as soon as Organization is ticked.
- Organization form should permit to select severals Queues.
Country management¶
- Add country object, managed in Admin. Country is identified as name only.
- User Doctor/Requester/Scheduler can be assigned to several Countries.
- List of Queues is updated in User form as soon as Country is ticked.
- Country form should permit to select severals Queues.
Customer request¶
ADO: 477428
Queue's should be linked to an organization
create an organization table
Linked to a country table
Link the queue's to the organization
This functionality will allow the admins to separate queue's by country or by organization. As we have users who may not be part of ICRC, this functionality should allow us to separate the queue by organization.
We should also add a description to the queue label so we can have a bit more information on what the queue is about.
Here's a high level entity relationship:
Updated by Olivier Bitsch 3 months ago
Gor, please give time estimation for this request
Updated by Olivier Bitsch 3 months ago
- Estimated time set to 120:00 h
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Olivier Bitsch 2 months ago
- Assignee changed from Gor Grigoryan to Olivier Bitsch
Updated by Olivier Bitsch 2 months ago
- Status changed from Offer in progress to To be discussed