New feature / Change #7986
closedTranslation Ukrainian missing
Updated by Gor Grigoryan about 2 months ago
- Assignee changed from Gor Grigoryan to Olivier Bitsch
- Status changed from In Study to Testing
Updated by Olivier Bitsch about 2 months ago
Manage invites
Here you can see or revoke open invitations and send new invitations to set up TeleConnect sessions with service users or colleagues.
New invite
Click "new invite" to open the invitation form.
Invite a remote service user
Click on "invite" to enable a service user to join a TeleConnect session.
Service user invitation
Fill in the person's information to easily recognize who is waiting for or in an active TeleConnect session. You can send the invitation link via SMS, email, or WhatsApp, depending on rules in your country.
Send link manually
If you prefer to share the link with your service user manually or via another means of communication (viber, Telegram etc), check this box. Be careful not to use the link yourself to test it, as the link is usable only once - by the service user.
[ @Olivier BITSCH I am not sure why you had written this part -After sending, you will be able to copy the link and share it (e.g., in an email you write yourself)....maybe you can explain if you think it is necessary]
Waiting room
Here you see all service users who have opened their invitation link and are currently in the queue waiting for their session. You will be notified with a sound and see them waiting here with a green indicator.
Keep the application open to reduce the risk of missing waiting service users!
Open sessions
Once you have had an initial session with a service user, you can choose to keep the session open so you can continue sending messages or have another call over days or weeks. You can view these open sessions here
Closed sessions
When you decide to close a session, your service user will no longer be able to exchange messages with you. The session information will remain here for 24 hours only before being deleted from the system for security reasons.
[ @Olivier BITSCH can we combine the two boxes on the profile...]
Profile page
Here you can change the language of TeleConnect or enable SMS/WhatsApp notifications in case a service user messages or tries to call when you are not connected to this application.
Updated by Gor Grigoryan about 2 months ago
- Assignee changed from Olivier Bitsch to Gor Grigoryan
- Status changed from Testing to In Study
Updated by Gor Grigoryan about 2 months ago
- Assignee changed from Gor Grigoryan to Olivier Bitsch
- Status changed from In Study to Testing