


New feature / Change #4106

Updated by Olivier Bitsch about 2 years ago

Notes : 

 * The menu structure is not yet finished, but will be structure to main menu and sub menus. 

 ## Draft structure 

 ### Main menu 

 * [GENERAL] Lock Wallet (Lock this wallet and go back to wallet screen selection) 
 * [GENERAL]Reveal my seed phrase (Reveal the seed for this wallet) 
  * Ask for password of wallet and show overlay with Seed. 
 * [GENERAL] Change my wallet password (Change the unlock password for this wallet) 
 * [ADVANCED] Advanced options (reserved for advanced users) 

 ### Advanced 

 * [WALLET] Exports keys 
 * [WALLET] Language 

 * [ENDPOINTS] Toggle mainnet/testnet 
  * [ENDPOINTS] Change Endpoints URL 

 * [DANGER ZONE] Delete my wallet (Delete the wallet from your phone) 
  * Ask for confirmation : You are about to delete your wallet, are you sure (Yes/No) [ 

