New feature / Change #7770
Updated by Olivier Bitsch about 1 month ago
Logs format update for Backend
Do no put any sensitive information like email, name, phone number, invite token. Always use Mongo ID.
0. silent
1. error : whenever something prevent HCW to work properly (no json info, e.g. mongo URI not configured)
2. warn : whenever something is good to know by sys admin (no json info, e.g. SMS not configured)
3. debug : do no use
4. info : whenever something normal is happening (no json info, e.g. Invite ID sent with method)
5. verbose : whenever something should be shown (json info, e.g. SMS json sent to API, can contain sensitive info).
6. silly : do no use
Having at least this info in logs under info level.
* Invitation sent
* Scheduler event
* UID of the user
* Waiting session started. Call started, Call ended
* Message/SMS/Whatsapp sent