

Cedric Juillerat

  • Login:
  • Registered on: 10/22/2021
  • Last connection: 03/31/2022


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 5 8 13


Project Roles Registered on
Alephium Debian/Ubuntu Packages (BlockChain + Miner) Rapporteur/Client, Support 11/22/2021
Sesame Wallet (mobile app) Rapporteur/Client, Support 11/22/2021
Sezame Wallet Rapporteur/Client, Support 02/02/2022
sezame-sdk Rapporteur/Client, Support 02/07/2022



08:00 PM Sezame Wallet New feature / Change #4257 (Done): Remove tild "~" beside USD values
We dont need the sign "~" in front of the amount
Edit OB2 : we initially added the tild sign beside USD value in o...
Cedric Juillerat
07:59 PM Sezame Wallet New feature / Change #4255 (Rejected): Main view : logo token display
Should we be able to remove a token from the display or only display tokens that are not at 0?
Cedric Juillerat
07:58 PM Sezame Wallet Assistance #4254 (Rejected): Wallet restore
can we restore any type of wallet?
Cedric Juillerat
07:57 PM Sezame Wallet New feature / Change #4253 (Rejected): Restore Wallet
If you restore an Alephium wallet, maybe Alephium should be added automatically in the list of tokens in the wallet Cedric Juillerat
07:52 PM Sezame Wallet Assistance #4251 (In Study): Main View : Alephium Tokens
The Alephium token of my wallet are not displayed
Edit OB2 : the token balance seems not always updated.
Cedric Juillerat
07:47 PM Sezame Wallet New feature / Change #4249 (In Study): Settings : biometric authentication
Activation of the authentication by biometry not available Cedric Juillerat
07:46 PM Sezame Wallet New feature / Change #4248 (In Study): Settings : Switch to Testnet
Add confirmation with explanation on Testnet/Mainnet toggle. Extract of message to display:
### On testnet activat...
Cedric Juillerat
07:45 PM Sezame Wallet New feature / Change #4247 (Done): Settings : Reveal my seedphrase
when typing the password : white writing on white background not very readable Cedric Juillerat
07:43 PM Sezame Wallet New feature / Change #4245 (Done): Main View : "^"
Edit OB2 : Initially, the section was supposed to be like a drawer, with the possibility to hide network/currencies. ... Cedric Juillerat
07:39 PM Sezame Wallet Bug #4244 (In Study): Token View : Bitcoin Explorer
The Bitcoin explorer is grayed out Cedric Juillerat

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