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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
7645 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Add a way for the doctor to get his notification over whatsapp. Gor Grigoryan 10/03/2024 07:51 AM Actions
7644 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal DEFAULT_PATIENT_LOCALE var seem have no effect Gor Grigoryan 10/03/2024 07:51 AM Actions
7638 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Remote footer in consultation overview Gor Grigoryan 10/02/2024 01:25 PM Actions
7619 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Have also Whatsapp notification option for doctor 10/01/2024 07:22 AM Actions
7586 iGestis New feature / Change Testing Urgent Maps -> Sidebar : Menu doesn't dissapear Peter Krcmaricic-Barackov 09/19/2024 09:49 AM Actions
7494 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change To be discussed Low Have an option to have doctor name in SMS/Email. Gor Grigoryan 09/24/2024 11:54 AM Actions
7474 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal In app training - UX improvement for requester and doctor app. On demand work based on Timesheet. Olivier Bitsch 08/28/2024 07:57 AM Actions
6769 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Add a read only parameter so doctor can't edit invite when created on behaf 05/24/2024 08:13 AM Actions
6765 Health Care Worker @Home Bug Development Normal Date for schedule invite are in english Gor Grigoryan 10/02/2024 01:17 PM Actions
6754 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Add private note field so a doctor can leave a comment on a specific consultation. 05/22/2024 08:21 AM Actions
6753 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Low Implement FHIR Gor Grigoryan 09/24/2024 11:54 AM Actions
6726 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Doing Signal messaging integration 05/24/2024 10:11 AM Actions
6725 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Doing Viber messaging integration 05/24/2024 10:11 AM Actions
6711 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Having email template in admin 05/24/2024 10:11 AM Actions
6697 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal New readonly parameter in /invite endpoint Gor Grigoryan 05/24/2024 08:15 AM Actions
6621 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Improve multi-participant 04/22/2024 01:11 PM Actions
6610 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Have a way to configure everything from admin interface 04/19/2024 09:34 AM Actions
6608 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal The tab key is not working on patient app 04/19/2024 08:31 AM Actions
6565 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Integrate other kind of data storage 03/21/2024 04:13 PM Actions
6560 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Priv integration 03/20/2024 10:31 AM Actions
6555 Health Care Worker @Home Bug Development Normal Enable some options in invite break the form Gor Grigoryan 10/02/2024 01:21 PM Actions
6551 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Switch from mediasoup-api to edumeet-media-node 03/13/2024 11:17 AM Actions
6546 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Noise Cancelling | Speach Enhancement API 03/13/2024 11:15 AM Actions
6543 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Add ability to download and share the transcript of the call 03/12/2024 12:59 PM Actions
6541 Health Care Worker @Home New feature / Change In Study Normal Video and audio call recording 03/20/2024 10:26 AM Actions
(1-25/98) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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