Bug #4469
openUsers are able to bypass "insufficient funds" when transferring or staking
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Description: Users are able to bypass "insufficient funds" when transferring or staking by adding a dash or a space to the number.
How to recreate:
- Navigate to the Aventus Network from the wallet's dashboard, then press "Send";
- Enter the recipient's address and a larger amount than your current balance, followed by a dash or a space;
- Notice how the preview shows a larger amount than your balance;
- Press "Sign and Submit" and notice that the transaction is sent and only then rejected;
Kindly see the screenshots for more details.
Updated by Olivier Bitsch almost 3 years ago
- Target version set to 2.1.0 (master)
Updated by Olivier Bitsch almost 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.1.0 (master) to 2.2.0