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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Estimated time
  (blank) 27 Estimated time: 36:00 Collapse all/Expand all
4175 New feature / Change In Study Low Add var use to display or not the doctor name into SMS. 03/29/2022 09:15 AM Actions
4127 New feature / Change In Study Low Add mention "do not reply" for mail and sms 11/03/2023 01:24 PM Actions
4117 New feature / Change In Study Normal Add transaction list endpoint for Alephium Network into SDK 03/02/2022 01:53 PM Actions
3905 New feature / Change In Study Normal Setting preferred currency as a setting between CHF and USD 11/29/2021 02:25 PM Actions
3881 New feature / Change In Study Normal Should we propose a multisig option for the wallet (for us, for infomaniak and maybe for others ) 11/25/2021 09:30 AM Actions
3879 New feature / Change In Study Normal Replace "cancel the subscription" with "cancel subscription automatic renewal" and confirmation " Do you really want ton cancel this subscription" with " Do you really want ton cancel the automatic renewal of this subscription" 11/22/2021 02:44 PM Actions
3878 New feature / Change In Study Normal Distribution time is not visible enough 11/22/2021 10:25 AM Actions
3874 New feature / Change In Study Normal Little eye icon to see password 11/18/2021 09:22 PM Actions
3869 New feature / Change In Study Normal Password change is missing 01/04/2022 10:29 AM Actions
3868 New feature / Change In Study Normal Scan a receipient's address to send ALPH is missing 11/17/2021 10:49 PM Actions
3867 New feature / Change In Study Normal QR code scan does not work 11/17/2021 10:48 PM Actions
3866 New feature / Change In Study Normal Would be nice to have an address rubrica where to memorize them 11/17/2021 03:39 PM Actions
3865 New feature / Change In Study Normal Display of the ALPH with "K" for the 1000 does not seem user friendly 11/17/2021 03:38 PM Actions
3864 New feature / Change In Study Normal Issue with QR code and zoom 11/17/2021 03:30 PM Actions
3863 Bug In Study Urgent security when using google keyboard 11/18/2021 09:19 PM Actions
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