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Estimated time: 784:00

# Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Estimated time
  Health Care Worker @Home - 5.2.0 5 Estimated time: 0:00 Collapse all/Expand all
7645 New feature / Change In Study Normal Add a way for the doctor to get his notification over whatsapp. Gor Grigoryan 10/03/2024 07:51 AM Actions
7644 New feature / Change Testing Normal DEFAULT_PATIENT_LOCALE var seem have no effect Olivier Bitsch 10/10/2024 06:39 AM Actions
7638 New feature / Change Testing Normal Remove footer in consultation overview Olivier Bitsch 10/09/2024 09:34 AM Actions
7474 New feature / Change In Study Normal In app training - UX improvement for requester and doctor app. On demand work based on Timesheet. Olivier Bitsch 08/28/2024 07:57 AM Actions
6555 Bug Testing Normal Enable some options in invite break the form Olivier Bitsch 10/09/2024 09:57 AM Actions
  Sezame Wallet - 2.2.0 8 Estimated time: 0:00 Collapse all/Expand all
4481 New feature / Change In Study Normal Add Lifting method into SDK 05/23/2022 03:25 PM Actions
4480 New feature / Change In Study Normal Add lifting page (frontend) 05/23/2022 03:25 PM Actions
4478 New feature / Change In Study Normal Deploy our own nodes on rinkeby on AWS 05/23/2022 03:28 PM Actions
4469 Bug In Study Normal Users are able to bypass "insufficient funds" when transferring or staking 05/23/2022 01:09 PM Actions
4451 Bug In Study Normal Balance from staking page has still 18 digits display instead of 4 05/23/2022 01:09 PM Actions
4450 Bug In Study Normal Staking page is never refreshed until you go back to detail and open staking page again 05/23/2022 01:09 PM Actions
4449 New feature / Change In Study Normal Add warning when 100% staking is requested + deduct fees 05/23/2022 01:09 PM Actions
4220 New feature / Change Development Normal Add lifting button (frontend) 05/23/2022 03:25 PM Actions
  Sezame Wallet - 2.3.0 8 Estimated time: 4:00 Collapse all/Expand all
4328 New feature / Change Testing Normal Put placeholder on calculated value during loading Olivier Bitsch 05/23/2022 01:09 PM Actions
4479 New feature / Change In Study Normal Lowering feature 05/23/2022 01:10 PM Actions
4423 Bug In Study Normal Strange page glitch on wallet selection 05/23/2022 01:09 PM Actions
4296 New feature / Change In Study Normal Application doesn't take all screen on ipad simulator 05/23/2022 01:09 PM Actions
4215 New feature / Change In Study Normal Update settings page 05/23/2022 01:09 PM Actions
4104 New feature / Change In Study Normal Configure wallet animation 05/23/2022 01:09 PM 4:00 Actions
4101 New feature / Change In Study Normal NFT view 05/23/2022 01:09 PM Actions
4100 New feature / Change In Study Normal NFT list 05/23/2022 01:09 PM Actions
  Health Care Worker @Home - 5.x.x 9 Estimated time: 0:00 Collapse all/Expand all
7494 New feature / Change To be discussed Low Have an option to have doctor name in SMS/Email. Gor Grigoryan 09/24/2024 11:54 AM Actions
6753 New feature / Change In Study Low Implement FHIR Gor Grigoryan 09/24/2024 11:54 AM Actions
6300 Bug Development Normal /requester page don't check for session Gor Grigoryan 01/31/2024 08:23 AM Actions
7619 New feature / Change In Study Normal Have also Whatsapp notification option for doctor 10/01/2024 07:22 AM Actions
(1-25/97) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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